Please take a break

Homework and Exercise

We have reached the end of the first chapter. Ideally, I would like you to take a break here.

The fist step is becoming aware of your own and the child`s movements - you are partners in this enterprise. If the child performs a movement, so do you. Whatever is hard for you will be hard for the child as well.

  • Practice these ideas in your everyday life. Just thinking about it is already and important step in learning.
  • These priciples can be applied to almost any level of ability.
  • Take some time to make one specific every day move more functional for you and your child. Pick one movement at a time - like getting dressed, or helping the child to sit at the table - and make it into an exercise.
  • Remember that the child needs time to be able to help you.

Think like a Pro

What you learned up to now is not only meant to make your life easier, but also to prepare you to think like a professional: looking for functional, useful movement. This is not something that can be learned in one day. That way you will not only find new - and more pleasant - ways to move with your child. You will deepen your understanding of movement, influence the child`s awareness of it`s own movements, and prepare yourself for percieving the next steps.

The next chapter

I assume you are getting exercises from a therapist, or try to support your child in other ways. So you already have a routine. The following lessons are intended to improve your handling skills during these exercises.

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