The preparation of movement: Lifting the legs easily

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Try it for yourself. It is not at all about balancing on one foot - and neither about lifting the right foot while pressing into the wall.

If you were standing on your hands, without training you would probably not be able to lift one arm even a milimeter from the floor. This might be how your child feels while learning to walk. In normal development, children learn this most often while walking sideways with the hands on a sofa or the wall. This is a great exercise!

  • Whatever is heavy to lift for you while working with a child is heavy for the child as well.
  • Wherever your or the child`s balance is compromised, both of you will have to work hardest.
  • Think one step ahead and get yourself into the postition to sit or stand comfortably when you have to do most of the work.
  • The easiest way to guide weight shifts is gently leading the pelvis in a good position first.

The same priciples of weight shifts apply to other movements like lifting limbs on all fours, or getting up from sitting.

Go through one of your exercises, and prepare the weight shifts first.

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