From wheelchair to bed

Do not try this at Home

This is not a full tutorial on transfers. I do not expect you to try this at home. However, I included this transfer to show what is possible if we try to think about movement in another way.

The basic Priciples

  • I am not lifting. I am shifting weight into different positions.
  • The weight is carried by my skeleton, not my muscles.
  • First I take care of myself.Before I start, I make sure I am sitting well, and my feet are standing in a good position. I am ready to carry weight.
  • I use my partners abilities ( here: to sit upright and to hold on to my ribcage ).
  • I am sitting very close. This way, I can hold the weight close to my body center, where it is easy to carry.


If possible, I try movements with healthy grown up partners first. They can protect themselves - and me - if difficulties arise. For attempting more difficult situations and transfers, I also have a second person standing by to help if needed.

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